2020/2021 School Year
17th May 2021
We have really enjoyed observing our minibeasts at nursery today. We had millipedes,...
17th May 2021
We had the most enjoyable learning session this morning when the children brought...
15th May 2021
This week it was time for P5 to take part in our Mathletics completion!
14th May 2021
This half term we have been looking at Space - planets, solar system, moon, stars,...
13th May 2021
We were delighted to welcome Rebecca to P7 today. This first session focused...
13th May 2021
We were so excited to offer a Hockey Club after school. Lots of excitement...
13th May 2021
On Thursday 12th May P7 enjoyed an Art activity with Philip and John. This...
13th May 2021
On Friday 7th May we enjoyed NSPCC Number Day. We came to school wearing clothes...
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- Nursery Afternoon Mrs Evans
- Nursery Morning Mrs Evans
- Residential Trips
- School Council
- Sporting Events
- Year 1AK Mrs Aiken
- Year 1CW Mrs Conway
- Year 2HT Miss Hamilton
- Year 2MK Mrs McKendry
- Year 2TB Mrs Tomb
- Year 3AT Mrs Logan
- Year 3AV Mrs Alves
- Year 3CO Miss Connolly
- Year 4CD Mrs Clarke and Mrs d C
- Year 4MC Mrs McAteer
- Year 4ST Mr Strong
- Year 5BW Mrs Brown
- Year 5CD Mrs Clarke and Mrs de C
- Year 5ST Mr Strong
- Year 6BL Mr Blease
- Year 6MD Miss Murdoch
- Year 6RB Mr Robinson
- Year 7FR Mrs Friel
- Year 7RB Mr Robinson
Principal: C A Murdock BA(Hons), MSc, PGCE, PQH(NI) | E:
The Irish Society's Primary School and Nursery
3 Rugby Avenue, Coleraine, Co Londonderry BT52 1JL | Phone: 028 70343444