RISE NI Information for parents

Regional Integrated Support for Education (RISE NI) is a regional early intervention service which supports children in mainstream pre-school educational and mainstream Foundation Stage (P1-2), Key Stage 1 (P3-4) and Key Stage 2 (P5-7) settings.
RISE 'supports a small number of children at the specialist level. Specialist support is for children with persistent needs, who haven't improved with strategies that have been tried by school and assessment by RISE is indicated to help understand these needs.'
Children being referred for specialist assessment must have at least two areas of need that the team can assess and support: - language and motor skills; social, emotional and behavioural; speech, language and communication; sensory processing, fine motor and visual perceptual; gross motor.
RISE NI have developed a bank of resources for parents which can be access from here:
Please do not hesitate to contact school should parents have any questions or concerns.
Principal: C A Murdock BA(Hons), MSc, PGCE, PQH(NI) | E: cmurdock537@c2kni.net
The Irish Society's Primary School and Nursery
3 Rugby Avenue, Coleraine, Co Londonderry BT52 1JL | Phone: 028 70343444